Fees / Charges for non-domestic waste

Implementation of Revised and New Fees and Charges for non-domestic waste at Waste and Recycling Centres - AMBER SAVING OPTION I&E 27. Under the terms of FOI, could I please be provided with answers to the following questions? 1) When did officers inform the Head of Law and Governance of the information required to ascertain powers, any necessary legal and/Constitutional procedures and confirmation of Cabinet (Executive)/Full Council Decision making powers in respect of the new DIY waste charges, please? 2) What was the precise information required? 3) When was this information provided and who was it provided to? 4) What and when were the various legal authority confirmations provided by the Head of Law and Governance, please? 5) On what date and authority did officers issue instructions to implement Appendix A charges? 6) Can you please confirm that named officers are under a specific legal obligation to ensure that Council decisions are lawful, and that a general responsibility rest on all officers and members?

FOI Reference : 1468949
Received Date: 30/04/2024