Interpreting, Translation and Transcription Costs

1. Please confirm your overall spend on interpreting, translation and transcription services for the following financial years: * 2021-22 * 2022-23 2. Who is your incumbent supplier(s) for language services? If you have more than one supplier, which services does each one provide to you? 3. If you have a separate British Sign Language/non-spoken supplier, who is this? 4. If you have a separate transcription supplier, who is this? 5. Do you have any in-house interpreters/translators? 6. When is your current language services contract(s) due to expire, a) without extensions and b) with all possible extensions? 7. Could you please provide the name, phone number and email address of the contract manager responsible for language services? 8. Could you please provide the name, phone number and email address of the person responsible for your language services budget? 9. Could you please provide the following data for 2023: * Total number of face-to-face interpreting assignments (spoken language) and hours completed * Total number of face-to-face interpreting assignments (non-spoken language) and hours completed * Total number of telephone interpreting calls and minutes completed * Total number of video interpreting calls (spoken language) and minutes completed * Total number of video interpreting calls (non-spoken language) and minutes completed * Total number of document translations and words translated * Total number of audio transcriptions and total audio duration 10. What were your top 20 highest-volume languages for interpreting/translation requests in 2023? 11. Can you please provide the fill rate % you received for the following services in 2023: * Face-to-face interpreting * Telephone interpreting * Video interpreting * Document translation * Audio transcription 12. What languages has your provider been unable to source in the last 12 months? 13. Have service credits been applied on your language services contract in the last 12 months? If so, what performance failure was this linked to? 14. What social value has been delivered as part of this contract in the last 12 months? 15. If your contract was awarded through a tender process, can you please provide a copy of the winning bidder's tender? 16. What are your contracted rates for each of the following services? * Spoken face-to-face interpreting: hourly rate * Non-spoken face-to-face interpreting: hourly rate * Telephone interpreting: per minute rate * Spoken video interpreting: per minute rate * Non-spoken video interpreting: * Document translation: per word rate * Audio transcription: per audio minute rate 17. Has your provider of language services increased their charge rate to you in the last 12 months? 18. What is the Authority's typical route to market? 19. Does the Authority currently have any interpreter on wheel devices as part of their current contract? If yes please advise how many and if these are provided free of charge or paid for by the Authority. 20. Could you please provide the name, phone number and email address of the person in charge of procurement for the Authority?

FOI Reference : 1559313
Received Date: 30/05/2024