Hydrogen-Fuelled Vehicles

1. The number of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles operated by the council, broken down by year since 2014. Please consider 'operated' to include vehicles that are owned, leased or otherwise used regularly by the council. 2. The annual costs incurred by the council for these hydrogen-fuelled vehicles, divided into fuel costs, maintenance, and purchase/lease/hire costs, broken down by year since 2014. 3. The number of miles driven by the council's hydrogen-fuelled vehicle fleet, broken down by year since 2014. 4. The number of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles that were not used (i.e. driven less than five miles) in a year, broken down by year since 2014. If the council does not own or lease any hydrogen-fuelled vehicles, please confirm this in your response.

FOI Reference : 1578325
Received Date: 06/06/2024