High Rise Social Housing

1. How many high-rise social housing premises are Pembrokeshire County Council responsible for? 2. How many residents live in these premises? 3. How many of those residents are children and/or vulnerable/disabled? 4. How many injuries have been reported arising from someone falling from the window of a high-rise dwelling in the last 20 years, and what was the nature of those injuries? 5. How many deaths have been reported arising from someone falling from the window of a rise-rise dwelling in the last 20 years? 6. Do the windows in your high-rise dwellings meet British Standards in terms of their dimensions, building regulations and safety features? 7. If your windows do not meet British Standards in terms of their dimensions, building regulations and safety features, what efforts have you made to notify your tenants? 8. Have you retro fitted any window restrictors? If so, what type, how many and when? 9. What inspections have you carried out, to check if furniture in the high-rise premises (e.g beds under windows in small bedrooms) has affected compliance with building regulations in terms of the distance between the floor and the window? 10. Are you willing to fit permanently fixed restrictors to all windows in your highrise housing stock to completely negate the risk of future deaths?

FOI Reference : 1597785
Received Date: 11/06/2024