Customer Account

Freedom of Information (FOI) request concerning the use of customer accounts within your organisation. Specifically, I would like to understand how customer accounts are managed across different services and the associated authentication mechanisms. My questions are as follows. * Does your organisation use customer accounts for residents to access services? Requiring the customer to register with an email address/phone number? * If not, do you plan on implementing accounts for customers? * If so, are these accounts available only for residents within the authorities boundaries. * If so, are these accounts available for businesses? * If so, is it one account that covers all services, or does each service have a separate account? Or is there one overarching customer account which links into other accounts for specific service areas? * If there are multiple accounts, do you have specific accounts for the following services: * Waste * Parking * Parks * Council Tax * Benefits * Housing * Registry Office * Planning * Highways (traffic, fault reporting, etc.) * Any other services not mentioned above? * How many active users are there? (Please specify per account if there are different accounts for different services?) * How many registered users are there? (Please specify per account if there are different accounts for different services?) * What measures are in place to prevent multiple accounts from being created per resident or property? For example, linking to personal information of customers such as their council tax account number, NI number, limiting accounts per address?) * What content management system (CMS) is used to manage these accounts? * Do you use an authentication service (such as Microsoft B2C) for managing these accounts? * Please provide the contact details of the lead contact person responsible for the management of customer accounts/digital services * Are these accounts linked to services outside of the authority (such as health, shared regulatory services etc)

FOI Reference : 1638989
Received Date: 24/06/2024