Print Arrangements

I would be grateful if you would provide details of your current contract covering reprographics/print arrangements under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as follows 1. Number of MFDs (Multi-functional devices) & photocopiers at Pembrokeshire County Council 2. Name of incumbent 3. Start/end date of contract (if expired, WHEN do you expect to revisit the marketplace) 4. Details of any extension options 5. What framework / Route to market used 6. Number of regular/desktop printers (in addition to above) 7. Is there a support contract on above, if yes please state start/end date 8. Does the Council have a Print Room 9. If yes, name of supplier, number of devices and start/end date of contract, also details of any extension options 10. Total annual print/copy volumes including, if applicable your Print Room, for (a) mono (b) colour 11. What Print software does the Council run 12. Your total annual spend on print 13. Who is responsible for this contract at the Council

FOI Reference : 1700009
Received Date: 11/07/2024