Social Housing

I would like to make a Freedom of Information Requests to understand more about how you manage and procure home extensions for your local authority housing. Please could you answer the following questions. 1. Who is the main contact in your local authority who manages the extensions of local authority homes? 2. Who is the head of Housing in your local area (If not the same person above)? Please answer the following questions for Social Housing (Housing Revenue Account) as well as extensions funded via DFG (owner occupied/RSL etc.) 3. How many single storey extensions are you predicting to build in this financial year 2024/25, what is the expected spend? * Social Housing Stock (HRA) * DFG spend 4. How many single storey extensions did you build in the previous financial year 2023/24, what was the spend? * Social Housing Stock (HRA) * DFG spend 5. What is your budget for the next financial year (25/26) for home extensions on social housing? 6. Do you have an approved list of builders who build home extensions for your local authority housing and DFG funded extensions? a. If so, please can you provide a list of these builders? * Social Housing Stock (HRA) * DFG spend b. If you manage this on a larger contract basis, WHO IS OR ARE THE APPOINTED CONTRACTORS AND when is the contract up for renewal? * Social Housing Stock (HRA) * DFG spend 7. If any social housing stock is managed in your area via Housing Association(s) please can you provide details of each relevant housing association and the contact details for the person who makes the decisions about home extensions 8. What is the size of your Housing Stock portfolio * 0-1000 properties * 1000-5000 properties * 5000-10000 properties * 10000+ properties

FOI Reference : 1703442
Received Date: 12/07/2024