Looked After Children

1. How many of your children in care "Looked After Children", in both number and percentage, are currently in mainstream boarding school placements? 2. How many of your children in care "Looked After Children", in both number and percentage, are currently in Special Educational Needs boarding school placements? 3. What procedure (if any) do you have to consult children in care "Looked After Children" about the option of a boarding school placement? What record (if any) do you have of the number of children in care "Looked After Children" - in both number and percentage - who were asked about such an option, in the financial year 2023/24? How many of them expressed a wish to proceed with it? 4. How many informal visits that you arranged, to mainstream boarding schools, for children in care "Looked After Children" took place in the financial year 2023/24? 5. How many informal visits that you arranged, to SEN boarding schools, for children in care "Looked After Children" took place in the financial year 2023/24?

FOI Reference : 1711933
Received Date: 16/07/2024