Chane of Use

Please confirm how many change of use applications you received to move from 'Class A1 - shops', 'Class A2 - financial & professional services', 'Class A3 - food and drink' and 'Class B1 - business', to 'Class C3(a) - dwellinghouses used as sole or main residence'. 2021,  2022, 2023, 2024 (1st Jan - 30th Jun) Number of change of use applications to move from class A1 to class C3(a) Number of those applications that were approved Number of change of use applications to move from class A2 to class C3(a) Number of those applications that were approved Number of change of use applications to move from class A3 to class C3(a) Number of those applications that were approved Number of change of use applications to move from class B1 to class C3(a) Number of those applications that were approved

FOI Reference : 1752634
Received Date: 29/07/2024