Data management recording Social Services

1a. What is the name of your current provider for your data management recording system for your Children Social Services? 1b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 2a. Does your current Children Social Services data system allow for Application Programming Interface (API) i.e. allowing two or more computer programmes to communicate with each other? 2b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 3a According to your own recording system data, for the last 5 years, on a year by year basis, what has been your referral rate into Children Social Services Department? 3b. Similarly, what is the referral rate into Adult Social Services Department? 4a. Are you currently researching the use of artificial intelligence /learning software linked to your Children Social Services data recording system / processes? 4b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 5. If yes to Q4, is this via an internal or an external commission / company? 6a. Are you already currently actively using a form of artificial intelligence / learning software with regards to Children Social Services data recording / processes? 6b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 7a. If yes to Q6a, in what areas/capacity is this currently being used? 7b. Similarly if yes to Adult Social Services? 8. If yes to Q7, is this via an external commission /and who? 9. If currently not actively researching or using any artificial intelligence / learning software in relation to Social Services Departments (Children's or Adults), does your Local Authority anticipate that they will be looking to explore such technology and innovations in the near future? 10. Would your Local Authority ever consider acting as a pilot Local Authority with such technology and specifically linked to your Social Services Department? 11a. What was the initial cost for you to buy your current data recording system for Children Social Services? 11b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 12 After the 'initial cost' for your data recording system, what was the breakdown of your year on year expenditure for your data recording system e.g. such as Maintenance, Support or Training fees? 13a. How long have you used your current data recording system for Children Social Services? 13b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 14a. How long are you contracted to use your current Children's Social Services data recording system? 14b. Is this the case regarding Adult Social Services too? 15. In relation to you current Children Social Services data recording system, are you currently integrated with the following: *Housing? (if no, looking to in near future?) *Youth Justice Services? (if no, looking to in near future?) *Education? (if no, looking to in near future?) *NHS /Health? (if no, looking to in near future?) *Probation? (if no, looking to in near future?) Other: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FOI Reference : 1826813
Received Date: 23/08/2024