Second Home Council Tax

My FOI relates to the increase in council tax for second home owners in Pembrokeshire, and is directed towards the Finance and Housing Departments 1) How much additional revenue will the council raise in this tax year (April 2024-2025) by implementing this additional tax on second home owners 2) Please provide the detailed calculations as to how this figure has been derived 3) Please provide the Financial Impact Assessment report that has been undertaken on a) second home owners and b) the whole community for the next 5 years followed the implementation of this additional tax 4) How many new homes are the council planning to build this Tax year based on the above additional revenue and where will they be located within the county 5) How many new homes has the council actually built since April 2024 which are funded by this additional revenue, and where are they located in the county

FOI Reference : 1897325
Received Date: 16/09/2024