Digital Services & Transformation 2025
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding your council's digital transformation initiatives. I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions, or send on to the correct person:- 1 The contact information of the individual(s) designated as Digital Transformation Officer(s) or equivalent position responsible for overseeing digital transformation initiatives within the council. Name(s): / Email(s): / Phone number(s): / 2 The name of current software providers currently being utilized as part of your digital transformation strategy. * Hybrid mail Supplier name: * SMS Supplier name: * Email Supplier name: * Portal Supplier name: * Inbound scanner Supplier name: 3. Who is the software supplier of your Revenue and Benefits application? Software supplier: How long have they been the supplier, and when does the contract expire? Date started: Contract expiry date: 4. Who is responsible for the Digital Transformation in Revenue and Benefits? Name: Email: Phone number: 5. Do you have a web portal for your Revenue and Benefits business area that allows citizens to access their council tax bills and benefits letters? Yes/No ___________ How much did you spend on this portal? Capital Cost: On-Going costs: Is there an additional transactional cost for each document you publish (rather than post) via your Council Tax Portal? If yes; What is it: How much: How many council tax bills do you send out per year? What percentage of these are delivered digitally through your council tax portal (rather than being posted) Digital(%): Physical(%): 6. How many council tax bills and associated documents do you create and send out per year in total? How many of these are published via your web portal? How many of these are emailed? How many of these are posted? 7. How many council Benefit Letters and associated documents do you send out per year? How many of these are published via your web portal? How many of these are emailed? How many of these are posted?