Missing Children

In line with the All-Wales Protocol on Missing Children, which defines a looked-after child as "missing" if they are absent for more than six hours or after midnight & which requires councils to record data on missing children: 1. I would like to receive information about the number of children in the care of your local authority (looked-after children) who have been reported missing since January 2022. In each case where a child in the care of social services (whether living in residential care, a foster home or any other care arrangement) has been reported missing, I would like to know: a) the date the child was reported missing and, if applicable, the date they were found; b) the age of the child; c) the sex of the child. 2. I would also like to know the total number of children your authority has had in care during the same period.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1088185
Dyddiad Derbyn: 02/01/2024