Contaminated Land And Green Belt Land

1. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is designated as Green Belt. 2. The proportion of the total area of your local authority that is designated as Green Belt. 3. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that consists of contaminated land - under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible. 4. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is both designated as Green Belt and is contaminated land, under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible. Please note I wish to make a clarification to this FOI. In query number 4, I ask about "the total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is both designated as Green Belt and is contaminated land." By this I mean both designated as Green Belt and is ALSO contaminated land. In other words the amount of contaminated land that is within the Green Belt.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1153989
Dyddiad Derbyn: 22/01/2024