Application Of Second Home Premium

* Numbers and percentages of long-term empty properties and/or second homes in the local area. Including ours of Cuffern/Roch * Distribution of long-term empty properties and/or second homes and other housing throughout the authority and an assessment of their impact on property values in particular areas. * Potential impact on local economies and the tourism industry. * Patterns of demand for, and availability of, affordable homes. In our case, what demand or need is there in Cuffern? * Potential impact on local public services. * Potential impact on the local community. * Potential impact on the Welsh language. * Other measures that are available to authorities to increase housing supply and the availability of affordable housing. * Other measures that are available to authorities to help bring empty properties back into use.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1175381
Dyddiad Derbyn: 29/01/2024