Children in Care Accommodation

1. The total number of children in care you currently have placed in registered children's homes, both local authority owned and independently owned 2. The total number of children in care you currently have placed in unregistered children's homes (defined as providing care as well as support but not officially registered) and the number of them in such accommodation aged under 16. 3. The total number of children in care you currently have placed in unregulated semi-independent living accommodation (defined as providing support rather than care) and the number of them in such accommodation aged under 16. 4. The total number of children in care in unregulated placements (whether unregistered children's homes or semi-independent living accommodation) that are unaccompanied asylum seekers and the number of them in such accommodation aged under 16. 5. The average annual cost for children in care you placed in local authority registered children's homes for the financial year 2022/23. 6. The average annual cost for children in care you placed in independent registered children's homes for the financial year 2022/23. 7. The average annual cost for children in care you placed in unregistered children's homes for the financial year 2022/23. 8. The average annual cost for children in care you placed in unregulated semi-independent living accommodation for the financial year 2022/23.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1202005
Dyddiad Derbyn: 05/02/2024