Protection From Eviction Act 1977

Local Authorities in Wales have powers under the Protection From Eviction Act 1977 to investigate and prosecute landlords who have unlawfully evicted and/or harassed a tenant. With the above in mind, could you please confirm the following: 1.Do you currently employ an officer/officers with the capacity to initiate proceedings under the Protection From Eviction Act 1977? (E.G. a Tenant Liaison Officer)? If not, could you advise why this is the case? 2. If so, please confirm how many such officers you employ, along with their role title(s) and job description(s). 2a. If possible - please confirm how long any of these posts have existed. 3. How many reports of illegal eviction and/or harassment of a tenant by a landlord have you received since 2012? Please confirm the number of reports each year, and the nature of each report (e.g. illegal eviction, harassment, any other relevant detail). If possible, could you also provide: 3a. Actions taken for each report, and the outcome of each case - along with the postcode area of the property to which the case relates. If fulfilling the whole of this request would exceed the cost limit set out by the Freedom of Information Act, please fulfil only the parts of the request that would not cause you to exceed the cost limit - for example, by omitting the parts of the request labelled 2a and 3a.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1217801
Dyddiad Derbyn: 08/02/2024