Home to School Transport

1. Does the council currently operate any transport routes for which the destination falls outside of the council area in either of the following categories (YES/NO) a. SEN Transport b. Home to School c. Taxi Services d. Transport for Adult Care 2. If yes - can the council state - for each category, how many individual journeys have been made to out-of-council destinations in this financial year to date (23-24). Please also supply the number of individual journeys broken down by the previous two financial years (22-23 and 21-22) a. SEN Transport b. Home to School c. Taxi Services d. Transport for Adult Care 3. In each of the following categories, can the council provide the longest individual journey carried out this current financial year (23-24). Please also supply that figure going back the two previous financial years (22-23 and 21-22). a. SEN Transport b. Home to School c. Taxi Services d. Transport for Adult Care

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1287597
Dyddiad Derbyn: 01/03/2024