Underage Vapes

1. How many reports has your local authority received concerning underage vape sales? 2. How many confirmed cases of businesses unlawfully selling vaping products to underage persons have been identified, either through test purchasing or other means? 3. How many warnings have been issued to businesses caught selling vaping products to underage persons? 4. How many license reviews, fines or penalties have been issued to businesses caught selling vaping products to underage persons? 5. What is the total value of fines or penalties issued (GBP), to businesses caught selling vaping products to underage persons? If available for each of the above data points, please provide data specifying the business premises category unlawfully selling vapes to underage persons. Specifically: * Convenience shop * Physical vape shop * Fuel garages/forecourts * Market stalls * Online marketplaces (e.g ebay) * Social media channels * Online vaping retailer Please present this data annually for each of the below periods: 1st January 2023 > 31st Dec 2023 1st January 2022 > 31st Dec 2022 1st January 2021 > 31st Dec 2021 1st January 2020 > 31st Dec 2020 1st January 2019 > 31st Dec 2019 If you could send the information over in a CSV or XLSX format, that would be ideal. Please note: if you are unable to retrieve 5 years of data for the above-requested information within the available FOI cost limit, please reduce the number of years to the last 3 years, or as far back as possible, to the latest available date.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1333037
Dyddiad Derbyn: 14/03/2024