
1. Do you have a dedicated procurement team? 2. How many FTE's are dedicated to procurement? 3. Please complete the following table for procurement projects undertaken in the last 12 months: Type of procedure Number of projects Value of contract per year Over-threshold projects Dynamic Purchasing System 4. Please complete the following table for the 5 highest value procurement projects undertaken in the last 12 months: Description Type of procedure Value of contract per year Term of contract 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 5. What was your spend in the last 12 months for e-tendering / procurement platform software: Provider Spend (£) Proactis Intend Adam Procure Delta Bravo 6. Please complete the following for the Dynamic Purchasing Systems that you use (please add extra rows if required)? Description Managed in-house or contracted Spend in last 12 months (or 12 month projected spend if less than 12 months old) 7. Do you use procurement cards? If so, what was the spend in the last 12 months and what was the cost of this service net of any rebates? 8. If places are available, would you like to be invited to join the Steering Group (details & benefits are outlined below)? If so, please provide contact details here: Name Position Telephone Email Council Name

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1340166
Dyddiad Derbyn: 18/03/2024