Local Area Energy Plan

I would like some information to support a prospective research project on the success of Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs). Fortunately, I am able to get most of the information I require from the LAEP published on the councils website. However, I have some remaining questions which I would be very grateful if you could please provide brief answers to. * Please provide the date when the LAEP was adopted by Council? * It appears the LAEP was developed using an external consultant. How much was paid to the consultant for the preparation of the LAEP? * Please confirm whether NRW and/or Cadw were officially consulted upon during the production of the LAEP? If so, at what stage(s) did this occur? * Was the LAEP subject to public consultation? If so, at what stage(s) did this occur and how long was the consultation period? * Since its adoption, does the Council have an officer (currently in post) responsible for proactively working on implementing the LAEP? * Please provide details on whether the LAEP has a determinative impact on local plan making and/or the determination of planning applications since its adoption? * Were any supplementary appraisals and/or impact assessments undertaken in parallel to the production of the LAEP? This may include an integrated impact assessment (sometimes undertaken for reporting purposes) or a strategic environmental assessment. o If yes to above, has this been made publicly available? Grateful if you could provide document(s), whether as a attachment or link to website.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1342429
Dyddiad Derbyn: 19/03/2024