Estimated income for Sales, Fees and Charges for 2023/24 Financial Year

Please provide your estimated income for Sales, Fees and Charges for the 2023/24 financial year for the following Service areas: Education Personal social services - adults aged under 65 Personal social services - children and families Personal social services - older persons Cultural and Heritage Services Library Services Recreation and Sport Open Spaces Tourism Cemetery, cremation and mortuary services Waste Highways and Transport Building Control Development Control Housing Council fund Other council fund housing All Other Sales Fees and Charges income Total Sales, Fees and Charges income Clarification Adults are those above 18. Most local authorities will make Sales, Fees and Charges for services they provide to adults in contact with Adult Social Services such as (indicative only): Residential Accommodation for Older People (usually over 65) (per week) Short Term Residential Accommodation for all Adults (per week) Transport to Day Centre (per journey) Home Care Service (per hour) Extra Care (per hour) Day Services (per day) Day Services (per half day) Provision of Meals Day Centres (per meal) Care Call Fees Model Sheltered Schemes Bronze - Monitoring, response and annual visit Silver - Monitoring, response, annual visit and 1 additional item of assistive technology Gold - Monitoring, response, welfare call, annual visit and unlimited assistive technology Supporting Independence Service (per hour) Sporting Clubs for People with Disabilites (Per session) Clarification With regards to 'Open Spaces' - I am looking for all income through Sales, Fees and Charges in Parks and Open Spaces such as pitch hire or sports fees as well as charges for holding public events . Clarification Transport 'Sales' in this context is a general term to include all the charges for Highways and Transport activities such as Car Parking, Closure Orders, Skips on Highways, Section 50 licenses, Vehicular Crossings etc. Your income figure for 2022/23 as reported in Wales Stats was -£5467000

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1374233
Dyddiad Derbyn: 30/03/2024