Toilets at Cym-Yr-Eglwys

Please provide copies of all documents in relation to the toilets at Cwm-yr-eglwys:- 1. Total costs in FY 22-23 and 23-24 in relation to the upkeep and maintenance of the toilets with full breakdown of costs including payments to sub-contractors and any internal council costs 2. What maintenance actions, with costs and dates have been undertaken by month over the past two years? 3. Copies of all documentation and meeting minutes in relation to the potential withdrawal of funding to maintain the facilities 4. Copies of all documentation and meeting minutes into the authorities proposals for the future of the facilities and council member's voting 5. How often have the facilities been cleaned each month month over the past two years and what is the frequency / cleaning schedule throughout the year. 6. What is the per-visit cost to maintain and clean the facilities

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1490401
Dyddiad Derbyn: 07/05/2024