Test Purchase Vapes

I would like to receive information on the following questions for your local authority area, spanning the past 5 years in total up to the latest available data. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to request the following information: 1. How many instances of test purchasing vapes were carried out, to combat underage sales of vaping products? 2. How many of these test purchases resulted in the sale of vapes/e-cigarette products to underage individuals? 3. What is the £ cost of carrying out a single test purchase investigation? Please present this data annually for each of the below periods: 1st January 2023 > 22nd November 2023 1st January 2022 > 31st Dec 2022 1st January 2021 > 31st Dec 2021 1st January 2020 > 31st Dec 2020 1st January 2019 > 31st Dec 2019 If you could send the information over in a CSV or XLSX format, that would be ideal. Please note: if you are unable to retrieve 5 years of data for the above-requested information within the available FOI cost limit, please reduce the number of years to the last 3 years, or as far back as possible, to the latest available date.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1508949
Dyddiad Derbyn: 14/05/2024