Additional Learning Needs & Special Educational Needs & Disability

1. As of the date of receipt of this email (13th May), how many children with EHC (education, health and care) plans are currently waiting for a school place in your council area? 2. As of the date of receipt of this email (13th May), how many children are awaiting assessment for an EHC plan in your council area? 3. How many ALN / SEND appeals were undertaken in the years of 2021, 2022 and 2023? Please advise whether this data is for the calendar year/financial year. 4. How many of these appeals ended up at tribunal, broken down by the years 2021, 2022, 2023? Please advise whether this data is for the calendar year/financial year. 5. How many ALN / SEND appeals were upheld/partially upheld in favour of the council, broken down by the years 2021, 2022, 2023? Please advise whether this data is for the calendar year/financial year. 6. How much was spent by the council on the ALN / SEND appeals process in the years of 2021, 2022, and 2023? This includes appeals that went to tribunal, and those which were settled before tribunal was necessary. It should also include a breakdown of legal fees where possible. 7. As of the date of receipt of this email (13th May), how many SEN appeals are currently on your authority's caseload? This includes appeals which are yet to go to tribunal, appeals which are at tribunal stage, and any other appeals which are outstanding

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1509449
Dyddiad Derbyn: 14/05/2024