Housing, Social Services & Building Maintenance Policies

1) What is Pembrokeshire County Councils policy and what action is taken when a tenant breaches their tenancy agreement? 2) What action does Pembrokeshire County Council take if a tenant is abusing / using and or growing drugs in a Council owned property? 3) If a tenant wilfully damages a Council property or steals part of that property (ie: punching holes in doors and walls, stealing doors or copper piping etc) what action does the Council take against the tenant? 4) Further to question 3, is criminal damage of a tenant Council owned property of theft of infrastructure or a tenant property owned by the Council reported to the Police? 5) When the Child Services department at the Council are made aware that a vulnerable disabled child has been made homeless due to a lack of duty of care by said department, what is the protocol for dealing with this and in what time frame? 6) If the Council Child Services department is made aware that young child / children are at risk, what is the protocol and time frame in which this must be investigated? 7) What training (if any) is given to Housing Officers at the Council in the tenancy department in relation to contract law when tenants are signing contracts? 8) If a tenant breaches their tenancy agreement, what steps do the Council take to rectify this and if the tenant has breached their tenancy on multiple counts, is the Council then by law required to allow that tenant to move into another Council owned property? 9) If a member of the public and / or Council tenant raises a formal complaint against the Council, what is the time frame in which this must be investigated and an outcome be given by the Council. 10) If a Council tenant reports the need for multiple repairs needed to the property that they are renting, what is the time frame in which the Council are obliged to respond and acknowledge that request? 11) Is it Council policy that signing of tenancy agreements must be carried out in line with UK Contract Law? Including that tenants must be given and be given time to read the terms and conditions of that contract at the time of signing? 12) If a tenant makes the Council aware that the property that they are renting from the Council is not able to be locked and that the toilet is broken, or unusable, what is the protocol and time frame for sorting such issues? To include a young disabled child living at the property.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1537321
Dyddiad Derbyn: 23/05/2024