Individual Development Plans

Under freedom of information regulations, between the dates of 01/09/2021 - 25/05/2024, please can you provide confirmation (in numbers) of; How many requests for Individual Development Plans (IDPs) were submitted to the Council LEA. How many requests were rejected by the Council LEA. How many IDPs were "finalised" by the Council LEA within 12 weeks of the date of the first request for an IDP. How many IDPs were "finalised" by the Council LEA within 24 weeks of the date of the first request for an IDP. How many IDPs were "finalised" beyond the period of 24 weeks of the date of the first request for an IDP. How many IDPs finalised by the Council LEA have been contested at First Tier Education Tribunal. How many First Tier Education Tribunal decisions found in favour of the Council LEA. How many First Tier Education Tribunal decisions found in favour of the parents of the Child/Young person.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1548018
Dyddiad Derbyn: 28/05/2024