Children's Home Sell Offs

1. How many children's homes has the council sold off every year for the last five years, to the date of your reply? This should a) be split into each financial year b) include the names of the children's homes and the specific year when they were sold off. 2. How much money did your Pembrokeshire Council raise by selling off those childrens homes each year? Note: I am not asking for the specific price of each sell off, just how much money you made by selling off childrens homes each year. 3. How many childrens homes the council ran a) 5 years ago b) 10 years ago? 4. How many childrens homes the council runs at the time of your reply?

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1562645
Dyddiad Derbyn: 31/05/2024