Dog Breeding Licenses

1. Is it legal for someone who has a dog breeding licence to retain legal ownership of a dog and hold breeding rights over that dog, but for the dog to live in another location (not the address listed on the licence) with another family/person i.e. a proxy owner (also not listed on the licence)? 2. If this is allowed, would the number of dogs held at other locations with proxy owners be included in the number of dogs listed on the licence? 3. In this scenario would the licensee be able to sell puppies from this dog that is kept at a separate location? 4. Would a breeding licence be issued for any of the above scenarios? Would a different licence be needed to carry this out (e.g. a pet shop licence)? 5. What advice would the council give to someone who is seeking to do the above when applying for a dog breeding licence? Please give explanations with answers to the above questions.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1637489
Dyddiad Derbyn: 24/06/2024