ALN Provision

1. What does the local authority deem to be a 'reasonable need' (as per section 17.43 of the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Code of Practice for Wales 2021)? As such, what are the boundaries/levels/criteria for such a person? 2. What provisions are in place for those persons with ALN, who are deemed to have 'reasonable need' when considering FEI places and what support is in place for those families who are engaged with finding appropriate support for their child(ren)? 3. When it is acknowledged that an FEI cannot meet the needs of someone with ALN, what processes are in place (within the local authorities ALN framework) to ensure that person is fully cared for and looked after? 4. What is the deadline for ensuring support is in place? And how often is this deadline met?

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1653185
Dyddiad Derbyn: 26/06/2024