Public Toilets

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of this request is to gather data on complaints received by your council regarding public toilets. Specifically, I am seeking information on the following: 1. The total number of complaints received by the council about public toilets for each of the past five years (from 2020 to 2024). 2. A breakdown of these complaints by category, indicating the nature of the complaint (e.g., cleanliness, maintenance issues, safety concerns, accessibility, etc.). 3. Identification of the public toilet facilities (E.g. name and location) that have received the highest number of complaints within this period. 4. Any actions or measures taken by the council in response to these complaints. 5. How often each public toilet is cleaned. I would like you to provide the information in the following format: * Please provide the information in electronic format, preferably as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file. Please avoid sending PDFs or Word documents if possible. * I have attached an Excel Template for your convenience. Please use this template where possible to ensure consistency and ease of data extraction. If you are unable to provide the specified information: * If you are unable to provide the specified information exactly as requested, please provide *any* data you have that is relevant to the request and explain why the other information cannot be provided.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1672637
Dyddiad Derbyn: 02/07/2024