Second Homes and Self Catering Properties

1. How many self-catering properties valued for business rates are registered in your local authority area as of June 30 2024? Of these how many have a rateable value of: * up to £6,000 * between £6,001 and £12,000 * over £12,000 2. If applicable to your local authority area, how many second homes are eligible for a council tax premium as of June 30 2024? If some parts of this request are easier to answer than others, please provide the easiest parts first rather than hold up the entire request. If you require clarification on any of the questions, please let me know and provide further advice and assistance to indicate this at the earliest opportunity as outlined in the ICO guidelines.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1699109
Dyddiad Derbyn: 11/07/2024