Spend On Temporary Accommodation

1. Your total spending on temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2022/23. Please advise how much of this spending was funded by central Government (for instance via the Homelessness Prevention Grant) and what, if any, was the net cost to you (to be funded by the Council Tax.) 2. Your total spending on temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2023/24. Please advise how much of this spending was funded by central Government (for instance via the Homelessness Prevention Grant) and what, if any, was the net cost to you (to be funded by the Council Tax.) 3. Your total spending on hotels as temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2022/23. 4. Your total spending on hotels as temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2023/24.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1751836
Dyddiad Derbyn: 29/07/2024