Greyhound Seizures

1. How many greyhounds were picked up/seized as strays by your local authority in the following years between 1/4 and 31/3 a) 2021/22 b) 2022/23 c) 2023/24 and d) 2024/25 between 1/4 and 31/7 2. How many were claimed by/returned to their owners. 3. How many were rehomed to new owners. 4. How many were rehomed via a charity or rescue organisation. For each case please provide the name of the charity or rescue organisation. 5. How many were put to sleep. In each case please provide the reason the dog was put to sleep.

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1762751
Dyddiad Derbyn: 01/08/2024