Taxi Licensing

Since the 1st of august 2022: 1. The number of new and renewed taxi (Hackney Carriage) driver licenses you have granted. 2. The number of new and renewed Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) driver licenses you have granted. 3. The number of taxi licences granted to drivers with criminal convictions. 4. The number of PHV licenses granted to drivers with criminal convictions. 5. In the cases of those with convictions in relation to Question 3 and Question 4: i. The nature and date of conviction. ii. Whether said driver's conviction was known at the time of the licence being approved. iii. In each case, the current licence status of the driver. 6. The criteria/policy that is applied when deciding on an application from a driver with a current/spent conviction. 7. How many times have you checked the national database on driver revocations/refusals? 8. How many have had licenses removed due to that?

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1777269
Dyddiad Derbyn: 07/08/2024