
1. What is the price of an allotment plot per square meter, and is access to water included in this price? 2. Is the use of chemical pesticides prohibited on your allotments? 3. Do you provide ready-to-plant, weed-free allotment beds, seeds, plug plants, and free manure fertiliser to your allotment members? 4. Do you provide all the necessary tools, including a free personal trowel to new members, and a shed or shared point for tool storage? 5. Do you offer free training and classes from gardening experts, access to online courses and lessons, and host free community events and workshops in person for allotment members? 6. Do you offer paid services such as weeding, watering, and edging, as well as paid products like composters, natural fertilisers, bean poles, and naming tags? 7. Do you provide a support email and phone number for your allotment members, and is there a staff member present on site to help with queries and to tend communal areas? 8. Are there benches for the community within the allotment site, and are toilet facilities provided? 9. Are there any restrictions on members having partners, family, and friends help and attend their allotment patch and is free parking provided on site for allotment members? Are bike locks available on the allotment site for members? 10. Do you provide an online community group for members to share their knowledge and experiences?

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1781466
Dyddiad Derbyn: 08/08/2024