Period Dignity Grant

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to make a formal request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am interested in understanding more about the approach your organisation is taking towards period poverty. This information is crucial for research and analysis purposes. Specifically, I would appreciate your assistance in providing the following details: 1) Can you please confirm if your Local Authority has been awarded the Period Dignity Grant for the 2024/25 financial year? 2) If so, can you please confirm the total value of the grant that you have received? 3) If you have received the grant, have you commissioned a provider to help tackle period inequality through the supply of period products to those in need? 4) If so, can you please confirm the name of the supplier, and the start and end dates of their contract with you? 5) If you have received the grant, but have not commissioned a provider to help tackle period inequality, can you please confirm the following: * Do you intend to commission and provider?: Yes or no * Do you know when that procurement process is likely to start?: Approximate date 6) Can you please confirm the following details of the lead individuals (Team Leaders, Directors, Department Heads, Programme Managers etc) responsible for the commissioning activity associated with the period poverty grant within your Local Authority: * Names: * Job Titles: * Email Addresses:

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1791316
Dyddiad Derbyn: 13/08/2024