Education Management System

We would like to request information with regards to your current Education Management Information systems (EMS). With regards to this system could you please answer the following questions: 1. Which Education Management system(s) and suppliers (for the local authority, not the schools) are you currently using and contracted to for managing the following modules: * Admissions - * Case Management - * Children in Employment and Entertainment - * Early Years - * Exclusions - * Fixed Penalty Notices/Non-School attendance prosecution - * Free School Meals - * Governors - * Personal Education Plans (PEPs) - * SEN - * Transport - * Youth IYSS/NEET - 2. What are the contract start and expiry dates for each of the individual supplier solutions as answered to question 1? 3. What are the combined or individual licence costs and annual maintenance for each module listed (or supplier answered) under question 1? 4. How do you transfer schools' data into the LA EMS. If you use a supplier solution to assist e.g. Orchestra, Groupcall, Wonde etc, then can you please provide the contract start/expiry dates and costs for this solution?

Cyfeirnod Rhyddid Gwybodaeth: 1855395
Dyddiad Derbyn: 04/09/2024