Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to control dog activity
The Rosemarket Community Council has asked me to submit a Freedom of Information request on their behalf, to seek information relating to their (to date) unsuccessful attempts to have a Public Spaces Protection Order (P.S.P.O.) considered to control dog activity on The Beacon, Rosemarket. The information the community council would like to request is : a) How many requests has Pembrokeshire County Council received for P.S.P.O.s to be considered/ introduced to control dog activity (not including those solely requested to combat dog-fouling, but including those requested for any other aspects of dog control, whether or not these happen to include request for combatting dog-fouling as well) on land in Pembrokeshire during the last three years? b) How many P.S.P.O.s have been either introduced, or are currently agreed to be introduced in the future, to control dog activity (not including those solely introduced to combat dog-fouling, but including those introduced or agreed to be introduced for any other aspects of dog control, whether or not these happen to include combatting dog-fouling as well) on land in Pembrokeshire during the last three years, and if any, what are the specific site locations? c) For any P.S.P.O.s included in (b) above, how many formal complaints about anti-social dog activity, danger, distress or injury from anti-social dog activity were received by the Authority in advance of agreement being made to introduce the P.S.P.O concerned? Site specific data is requested for this information, please.